
Textile Basketry – exploring twined pod forms

Friday 22 – Sunday 24 November 2024 West Dean College, West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex. PO18 0QZ. Create woven pod forms while weaving textile-based basketry, inspired by gourds and seedpods. Using threads of various thicknesses, the pods can be woven in a range of sizes and with texture, colour and pattern. Taking inspiration from the […]

Twined Bean Pod – one day – pre-book group

This one-day workshop, will offer an opportunity to learn the how to weave a twined bean. Working with fine materials, Mary will teach her technique for weaving bean pods. Starting at one end, she will demonstrate how to insert warp threads to create the form.There will be an emphasis on weaving pockets and openings. This […]

A Taste of Coiling – one day – pre-book group

This one-day workshop, will offer an opportunity to learn the basketry/textile technique of coiling. Primarily a stitching technique, a core is wrapped and connected using a stitching or looping movement of a finer second material. Decisions about the position of the core material will inform the form which is held in the hands. Participants will […]

A Taste of Twining – one day – pre-book group

 This one-day workshop, will offer an opportunity to learn the basketry/textile technique of twining. Twining involves the weaving of two threads using the fingertips, whilst the form is held in the hands.Starting with a small sample to introduce the basics and practice skills, participants will move on to weave at least one small vessel.  Materials for […]

ONLINE course (Pre-recorded) – Textile basketry – exploring twining

Explore the basketry technique of twining through a series of workshops focusing on using softer, textile materials such as paper twine and tapestry wool. Starting with an introduction of the technique and materials, you will learn how the technique can be applied to create three-dimensional forms and used to draw lines, as well as, how […]