Cordage and Plaits with Everyday Materials

Cordage and Plaits with Everyday Materials

Friday 31 January 2025

West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN.

This course will focus on the technique of making cordage and plaiting materials. We will be working with everyday materials, so that the processes are accessible to all, including those without readily available plant material.

This course will focus on the technique of making cordage and plaiting materials into long elements. We will be working with everyday materials, so that the processes are accessible to all, including those without readily available plant material. The course makes a connection with both basketry and textiles.

Learn how to make a simple two-ply cordage, then move on to additional plies. Have a try working with a clockwise and anticlockwise twist to the cord, creating a Z and S ply. You will be encouraged to work with a range of materials; different fabrics, paper, plastic bags, paper towel, threads. The focus will be on making long regular elements. We will learn some simple flat and three-dimensional plaits, which could be worked with cords made earlier or other materials ready for repurposing.

The course will offer a ‘sketch box’ of ideas for cordage and long plaits/braids. The expectation is that you will have a selection of samples at the end of the course and lots of ideas. Working with a diverse set of materials will introduce texture and colour to the samples. This course would work well as a stand-alone course or with the following course Twined Basketry on a Large Scale (21 March 2025), where cordage could be incorporated in the basket.

For more information and booking please visit the West Dean College website.

NB. Go to West Dean College website, select Short Courses from the banner, then London Short Courses option. My courses are listed under Basketmaking, Willow Weaving and Chair Seating.