Mary Crabb


Plaited Spheres in Hex Weave

Plaited Spheres in Hex Weave

Friday 18 October 2024

West Dean London, Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7JN.

Learn the basketry technique of hex weave on a curved surface to weave a sphere or ball. The ball will be plaited using flat bands.

Learn the basketry technique of hex weave on a curved surface to weave a sphere or ball. Hex weave is a type of plaiting using three elements that cross to weave triangles and hexagons when flat. When curved, the weave continues but generates pentagons as well. A continuous curve will weave a sphere or ball. Sepak Balls are an example of this spherical weave and can be really beautiful in their surface pattern.

The weave is formed using flat bands or strands worked in three different directions. We will be working with a range of materials, starting with a simple, easy to work, basic material such as coloured card to practise and learn the technique. This will be a guided step-by-step activity. It will be followed by further making in beautiful Paperband. You will be able to choose your own colours. With practice, the basic form of the ball can be woven further to add surface decoration. When confident with the weave, this will be developed during the day.

This course is one of four individual day courses with Mary running from September to March, each exploring different textile and sculptural basketry techniques which may also be of interest.

For more information and booking please visit the West Dean College website.

NB. Go to West Dean College website, select Short Courses from the banner, then London Short Courses option. My courses are listed under Basketmaking, Willow Weaving and Chair Seating.