Small scale twined baskets

Small scale twined baskets

Sunday 2 March 2025

West Dean College, West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex. PO18 0QZ.

Learn how to twine as you make one or two small-scale twined baskets. Woven with paper yarn in a variety of colours, incorporate a pattern and a simple border into your basket.

The course will focus on the technique of twining, making a connection with both basketry and textiles. Twining requires the weaving of an active element around a passive warp. The weaving is worked in the hands with the use of a few simple tools. Basics of joining in new threads, changing colours and weaving a simple pattern will be covered. You will work on one simple form. Woven in paper yarn, in a range of colours, the baskets offer some simple skills of weaving a bundled base, either concave to stand or convex to hang, and straight sides. The basket will be finished with a simple border. To make your basket individual, the colours can be varied and a simple pattern woven in.

For more information and booking, please visit the West Dean College website.

NB. Go to West Dean College website, select Short Courses from the banner, then Sussex Short Courses option. My courses are listed under Basketmaking, Willow Weaving and Chair Seating.