Textile Basketry – exploring twined pod forms

Textile Basketry – exploring twined pod forms

Friday 22 – Sunday 24 November 2024

West Dean College, West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex. PO18 0QZ.

Create woven pod forms while weaving textile-based basketry, inspired by gourds and seedpods. Using threads of various thicknesses, the pods can be woven in a range of sizes and with texture, colour and pattern.

Taking inspiration from the garden, in particular gourds and seedpods, this course will focus on the weaving of small three-dimensional pod forms.

The course will concentrate on the technique of twining, making a connection with both basketry and textiles. Twining requires the weaving of an active element around a passive warp. The weaving is worked in the hands with the use of a few simple tools. Basics of joining in new threads, changing colours and adding/removing warps will be covered. You will be taught how to weave a range of starts for a twined base, including a doubled layer base which will create a decorative foundation for the start of the pod.

Starting with the same pod design, to learn the basics of the technique, you will then have the opportunity to explore a range of different materials. Scale will be considered – working with flexible materials from string to rope, threads to twine. The pods could be colourful and incorporate patterns and textures, by mixing different threads. A selection of gourds from the garden will be displayed in the studio for reference and to provide inspiration for forms, colours and textures.

For more information and booking, please visit the West Dean College website.

NB. Go to West Dean College website, select Short Courses from the banner, then Sussex Short Courses option. My courses are listed under Basketmaking, Willow Weaving and Chair Seating.